Growth Experts

A Growth Capital and Operating Partner

Cottonwood Ventures (CV) brings organic growth expertise to any enterprise seeking its next stage of profitable growth. CV stands on Ken May’s 35 years as a global operating executive across multiple industries, market types, geographies and business/economic models.  CV is a Growth Capital and Operating Partner that brings specific skills in “capturing newfound growth, time and again". 






Capturing Newfound Growth, Time and Again

Cottonwood Ventures stands on Ken May’s 35 years of business knowledge and organizational insights gained from working with some of the world’s leading multinationals, and most recently with small to mid-cap owner-operator enterprises. Ken's careers have spanned multiple industries and market types involving multiple business models to create a rich and diverse platform from which to advise, invest and collaborate around enterprise growth.

Charting new ways to grow is usually daunting. It involves strategic issues around time-to-market, distribution channels, marketing spend, capital allocation, market research, competition and resources in general. There are many consulting firms fully equipped, well-placed and eager to help an enterprise cross that bridge into its next stage of growth. Cottonwood Ventures' focus and skill set is different, yet complementary. "Newfound Growth" is a much lighter lift and close at hand.

What is newfound growth and how does it differ from other types of growth?

  • It seems to appear unexpectedly, but taken for granted when it manifests. 
  • It can be sourced from solutions and ideas arising from "somewhere in the organization".
  • It is often a strategy or program that's been rediscovered by company managers and staff.
  • It can stem from any part of a company's operations, and can impact one or several its business growth levers.
  • It boosts morale, reopens possibilities, and raises expectations.
  • It optimizes current assets, contributes to existing overhead, and improves profitability.
  • It should feel easy and engaging while producing results. It should not be a "heavy lift".
  • It need not be an infrequent phenomenon, nor always a surprise.
  • It may have a short or long runway.
  • It can manifest in multiple forms concurrently.   

Ken's experience is that most organizations irregularly utilize a classic set of organic growth levers. Often missing is a fresh, outside-in perspective to spark vigorous inquiry to best adapt one or more levers to discover or rediscover newfound growth. This outside-in lens is best informed by proven success across a wide range business challenges and opportunities.

Ken’s diverse experience base includes contesting market share in sophisticated markets, building categories in those still emerging, operating global travel services, developing resort brands, managing consumer finance portfolios and marketing consumer packaged goods, around the world. As a result, he has navigated multiple business models, from subscription-based to B2B2C distribution to DTC branded services to online social media networks and real estate development.

There are few business situations Ken has not encountered.


Contact Ken May
+1 (973) 626-4506