Growth Experts


Ken May's approach (Cottonwood Ventures) utilizes diverse multiple lens, (as developed across 7 industry verticals, 6 market types and 10 discrete business models), to custom apply one or more of 10 organic growth levers for each individual business situation and to generate newfound growth. 


Multiple Lenses Sharpen Sightlines for Newfound Growth


Ken’s in-market track record is best visualized by three Venn rings, integrating his operating experience across seven industry verticals, ten different business models and six discrete market types. This diverse experience has allowed Ken a set of multiple lenses to better view a given situation. He assimilates his past and current experiences to custom adapt classic business growth levers to discover newfound growth.

This hybrid, custom application pulls from myriad possibilities. What is tried and true in one industry may be innovative in another. A business model borrowed from one market type to another might thoroughly disrupt the competition. The utilization of consumer packaged goods differentiation disciplines may unleash the branding power of consumer financial products.



Multiple Lenses Combine To Reveal Myriad Possibilities To Lever Growth


Industry Lenses

  • Timeshare Exchange

  • Travel Services & Networks

  • Vacation Rentals

  • Consumer Finance

  • Consumer Packaged Goods

  • Hospitality Management

  • Resort Development & Sales

Business Model Lenses

  • Value Brands & Price Leaders

  • DTC Branded Services

  • Resort Development & Sales

  • Online Social Media Networks

  • Private Equity Investing

  • Subscription Services

  • Membership Marketing

  • Loyalty & Rewards Programming

  • B2B2C Distribution Channels

  • Premium Branded Products

Market Type Lenses

  • Oligopolic vs. Fragmented

  • Sophisticated vs. Emerging

  • Mass vs. Niche


The Classic Growth Levers

  1. Defining, sizing markets and embracing adjacencies

  2. Gaining customer insights and solving the right problems

  3. Differentiating within highest value profit pools, and optimizing value propositions

  4. Profiling direct and indirect competition, and evaluating competitive moves

  5. Exercising brand power and optimizing pricing strategies

  6. Defining and deploying Technology's role in enterprise growth

  7. Optimizing net pricing and controlling variable cost drivers

  8. Leveraging fixed costs, stretching for scale

  9. Top-grading talent/building high performance teams and resourcing with focus

  10. Funding growth on a timely basis